Designed to relax the entire body by rubbing the muscles in long, gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart.

Benefits: Helps increase the level of oxygen in the blood and improve circulation and flexibility. Can reduce stress, improve immune system and manage pain.

Hot Stone Massage

Swedish Massage

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body. During the massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body.

Benefits: It helps melt away tension, ease muscle stiffness, and increase circulation and metabolism. It can also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow throughout the body when it's coupled with massage.


A smooth flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieving muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of movement. This is the style of massage generally performed. Benefits: It improves your circulation, eliminates toxins, sleep, flexibility, reduces fatigue and enhances immunity.


 T. 360.258.1856

Therapeutic Massage

Hazel Dell Massage offers massage therapy to help relax the muscles and soft tissues of your body and restore your health.

Contact us to schedule your appointment. 

A technique that's mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.

Benefits: It can treat chronic back pain, help reduce high blood pressure, reduce stress anxiety and muscle tension, break the tissue of the scar, improve athletic recovery and performance, help with the pain of delivery, and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.